
Starting with August 1st to August 4, CSCDs team is joining the kick off meeting of the project Youth Workers Academy, together with the representatives of MaMa Mreza Slovenia, TGBDER Turkey and the National Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing – Croatia.
Youth workers academy is an educational strategic partnership to establish a curriculum and toolkits for youth workers on how to deal with youngsters with fever opportunities from 3 different backgrounds: disabilities, socially deprived background with emphasize on refugees and their integration into society and LGBTQI. Project consists out of 4 international members, Turkey, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia, to empower youth workers to do the social changes in our society. Youth workers often lack skills to deal with youngsters with fever opportunities, especially in local, rural environments. With specific curriculum and toolkits to educate youth workers, we would increase the capability of youth workers to have the right approaches towards youngsters with fever opportunities and find the appropriate ways on how to deal with them to raise their full potential and help them to be more involved in a society. Our aims are to brighten the horizons of youth workers by gaining specific knowledge of how to work with youngsters with fever opportunities and to bring new methods of youth work in youth centres around Slovenia, Turkey, Romania and Croatia. Our goals are to create 3 different curriculum of trainings for youth workers, to transfer good practices from 4 different countries, to visit at least 12 different organizations dealing with youngsters with fever opportunities (3 in each countries), to involve 180 youth workers in 3 pilot trainings (20/training/country) on 3 different topics in each country. One on how to deal with youngsters with disabilities, one dedicated on how to deal with young people with specific social difficulties (special emphasize on refugees and problematic family background, addictions,…) and one to deal with LGBTQI groups. We will launch the toolkits on-line and off-line and organize 12 dissemination events (3 in each country). We will finish with evaluation meeting with all 4 partners involved in the process. Curriculum and toolkits will be used as yearly trainings in all organizations to empower youth workers and will be upgraded with other specific groups of youngsters with fever opportunities in the future.
One of our priorities aims to professionalized youth workers and to use them as professionals in our work, so not searching for knowledge out of our field, but in the field.
The project is granted by the European Commission – Erasmus +, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in the Field of Youth.

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