
The project Culture of Humiliation  created from the daily experience of young person being humiliated due to his sexual orientation, using art as a methodology, upgraded with a workshop for young people.

The project consists of two parts: online campaigns and exhibitions, accompanied by interactive workshops.

The main goal of the project is to raise awareness about the causes and consequences of peer violence online and offline, experienced by young people because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. The offline part of the project consists of poster art exhibitions and interactive workshops in high schools and youth centers. The art works that are exhibited are works of young artists who use art to share their own experiences of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Art is a universal language of emotion and an excellent vehicle of social change in the general public as well as for empowering targets of discrimination and intimidation. Each opening of the exhibition will be accompanied by the story of a person who has faced peer violence based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. Interactive workshops are aimed at all young people and at victims and witnesses of violence.

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